Epimedium 2015

Submitted by Toole on

A couple of Epis raised from Gerrit's seed a year or two back .Although the labels have faded and are illegible ,(Duh !!), it's of no real concern as it only adds to the anticipation of eventual flowering...cheeky.....



Submitted by Mark McD on Mon, 04/06/2015 - 18:27

Dave, that's the fun part (the anticipation), I like the look of the one on the right, some good spine expression and mottling. The snow has just today started receding and some of my epi beds are now partially visible.  They're not begun growth yet, and almost no Epimediums remained evergreen this year, such a long and tough winter.

I ordered some epis from Edelweiss Perennials, they have a fine list of epimedium as reasonable prices (as Epimedium go), and they ship fine quality plants. 


Here's what I have on order, shipping soon:

E. ecalcarata (to replace my plant that died out)

E. franchetii 'Gotemba'

E. sempervirens 'Shadow Dancer'

E. 'Shizuka Gozen'

E. 'Tanima-no-yuki'

E. x versicolor 'Cherry Tart' (to replace my plant that died out)

E. x 'Enchantress' (to replace my plant that died out)

Submitted by RickR on Wed, 04/29/2015 - 19:24

A seedling of Epimedium 'Rose Queen' that I pick up at our local Chapter plant sale.  Not the best color, but I love how the white sepals "float" above the petals.


Rick, good and bad news:

Good: that's a most appealing Epimedium, with an inverse color scheme to what is normally seen.

The bad news is, it's not 'Rose Queen'.

Regarding the name 'Rose Queen', Garden Vision catalog explains that there was lots of confusion with cultivars brought back from Japan decades ago, some plants brought back with Japanese characters and no decipherable english, so names were invented. Long and short of it, there is a correct cultivar known as E. grandiflorum 'Yubae', it has synonyms of 'Crimson', 'Crimson Beauty', and 'Rose Queen'. In the UK, another cultivar E. grandiflorum 'Tama No Genpei' was also going around as 'Rose Queen'. 

The plant in question, is uniformly deep rose-red color:
Epimdium grandiflorum 'Yubae'

The one known as E. grandiflorum 'Tama No Genpei', has the opposite color scheme, white spurs, nearly white cup, and rose-pink sepals.

I do not know what cultivar your plant is :-(

Submitted by RickR on Sat, 05/02/2015 - 16:41

That's interesting, Mark.  Yes, it is a seedling of the supposed Rose Queen, not Rose Queen.  Who knows what other parentage it has.  Nancy (the member who brought it to the sale) grows many kinds of epimediums.  I also got that wonderful seedling Jeffersonia dubia from her that I have posted about.  FYI, it has recovered very well from the near disaster from rodent predation.


I couldn't resist the enticements of Edelweiss Perennials.  Among others, I now have an E. wushanense Spiny Leaf Form to try here, and Anemone nemerosa 'Ginny' (my sister's name).