Cyclamen Season 2013-2014

Submitted by deesen on

The season has made a start here in the UK with hederfolium in the open garden. Mine don't seem to be as good as they were last year but it's early days yet. My first in the greenhouse is Cyclamen cilicium, this one a rather nice darker form with a lovely scent.


Submitted by Mark McD on Thu, 08/29/2013 - 14:21

Lovely start to the season David. I must try again with hederifolium, was given a number of forms about 8-9 years ago, and they eventually dwindled away.  The only one that really likes it in my garden is purpurascens, which starts blooming in July here, although I heard from a friend nearby that her purpurascens started flowering only just recently.  Cyclamen cilicicum is also one that I had once, persisted for 5 years or so, never increased, and then disappeared one year.  I think I lose them from drought, fortunately C. purpurascens tolerates drought conditions well enough and is seeding around too.

PS: two copies of this topic appeared, I deleted one before we started getting responses to both.  :-)

Submitted by RickR on Thu, 08/29/2013 - 21:41

Really graceful "butterflies", David!

Our Chapter August plant sale was a a member's home.  She grows cyclamen expertly.  (She would say they grow expertly for her.)  She grows hederifolium, but mostly purpurascens forms, and donated some to the sale. I am a happy purchaser of one whose parentage that can be traced back to the Lake Bled area in Slovenia.

[quote=Mark McD]

PS: two copies of this topic appeared, I deleted one before we started getting responses to both.  :-)



Sorry Mark, I've got the hang of posting one picture but don't seem to have gathered the art of putting two in the same post.

Submitted by Mark McD on Fri, 08/30/2013 - 05:20

In reply to by deesen

No problem David, it was easy to take care of. Soon we will be drafting detailed directions on how to post multiple photos.

Ran outside after work to photograph my silver-leaf forms of C. purpurascens, but since it was close to dusk, and dark and misty outside, the images came out badly, will try again today.

Submitted by RickR on Mon, 09/02/2013 - 16:28

The delicate veining on the petals is really nice.


Is that just one plant in the pot?

  I don't even know...... do cyclamen tubers ever divide or produce offsets?

Good question, Rick.  I await an answer.

This thread gives me a chance to show these same old plants of Cyclamen purpurascens YET AGAIN (where's that eye-rolling emoticon when you need it?)... needless to say, I am inordinately pleased that they have hung around since they were grown from seed in 2004!  Note the seedling of the silver-leaved plant in the first photo, and some seedlings of the green-leaved one in the third photo - there are more seedlings which I should dig up and move around to what I hope would be safe places.  The second plant has been heaving its large corm out of the ground the last couple of years (and looked quite diminished this spring as a result, I imagine) so I keep replanting it, as I suspect this is not such a brilliant thing to do in this climate.  

Lovely fragrance!



Yes, the pot had just one tuber. They don't divide themselves but they can be divided by cutting the tuber into pieces each with a growing point. It's a bit risky and I've never had sufficient tubers to risk trying to divide one but friends have tried with only limited success-many divisions were destroyed by fungus. 

Some species sometimes produce long twiggy extensions growing from the tuber which have a growing point at the end (called floral trunks!). These can be cut off and treated as cuttings. None of mine have ever produced any.


The Cyclamen season has just started here, so nice to see your plants Lori and David! Mine have only produced leaves so far.

I have never bothered dividing corms as they are very easy from seed.


Yes, the pot had just one tuber.


So all the vegetation all around in that pot originates from the one centrally located growing point at the top of the tuber?

Submitted by RickR on Tue, 09/03/2013 - 19:38

I think I found the answer to that.  If I am not mistaken, this pic on the SRGC forum shows multiple growing points scattered on the same tuber.;topic=9948.0;attach=410084;image

Thought you might like to see a few Cyclamen coum pictures from my last visit to Killerton House on the outskirts of Exeter here in Devon? The pictures were taken on 16 February.

Yes of course I am interested!

Where I am now it is 1 m snow and not a single flower to beheld.  It is unfortunately mild and foggy so it is not much skiing either.

Submitted by RickR on Tue, 02/25/2014 - 14:39

That's a LOT of cyclamen!  There is no where to step without damaging them!

.Was there much variation?

Given the numbers Rick it would have been odd not to see a variation and there were shades of pink as well as magenta but I didn't see any albinos.

That mid-pink Cyclamen graecum put on a lot more flower later and a couple of other paler pink ones also joined in!



Cyclamen graecum mid-pink
Cyclamen graecum pale-pink
Cyclamen graecum pale-pink


In the Shade-house Cyclamen mirabile (ex Tilebarn Nicholas) has been flowering,




Lucky you Fermi .I have a good sized plant that has refused to flower or produce leaves for the past 3 maybe 4 seasons.........(crying) Probably needs releasing from it's pot blush .In the meantime I'll just have to currently enjoy the yummy foliage of a small seedling ....... 

Cheers Dave.

Submitted by Fermi on Tue, 04/08/2014 - 02:03

In reply to by Toole

Yes, Dave,

the foliage is probably one of the best things about this species!

Here's the white form of Cyclamen graecum in the garden,

Cyclamen graecum album Cyclamen graecum album



Cyclamen graecum album
Cyclamen graecum album