Companions for Central Asian trip June 2014

Submitted by Susann on

I am searching for someone whom is interested in participating in a expedition to Central Asia around June 2014. You might join for part of the journey or the whole trip. The aim is to study Pulsatilla habitats.

The expedition is planned to start in Kazakhstan where localities in mountain and steppe are to be visited, before heading for the southern mountains of Altai, Russia. From Altai it will continue to Mongolian mountain and steppe and then continue to Baikal area, Russia. The end of the expedition is to take place in the mountains in Hokkaido; the northern Japanese island.  The longer distances will be by the Transsibirian Railway. Hokkaido will be reached by air from Amur or Vladivostok. The trip is planned for 6-7 weeks.

As said above the main purpose of the expedition is to study Pulsatillas, but I will of course try to adapt it  to your suggestions if you wish to join. No details are set yet, but with this route I hope it will be possible to study at least eleven species and subspecies of Pulsatilla, possibly some more.

If possible seed collection will take place for Botanical Gardens and seed lists.

If you are interested in joining or just want more details, please contact me.