Not Gentiana but Gentianella

Submitted by Hoy on

"Bakkesøte" Gentianella campestris grows in the lowlands becoming a foot high and in the mountains only reaching 1-2 inches. An annual but flowering till covered by snow.
Here with leaves of Dryas octopetala and Thalictrum alpinum.


Submitted by Boland on Wed, 02/23/2011 - 15:53

Must be closely related to G. propinqua...same 4-petalled, pale mauve flowers.  G. propinqua is native in Newfoundland, along with G. amarella and Gentianopsis detonsa (another annual Gentian).

Submitted by cohan on Thu, 11/15/2012 - 12:00

Cliff's and Trond's species look showier than G amarella which is very common here- it's lovely but subtle and is also from a few inches to much larger depending on conditions or maybe on when they sprout so how long they have to grow...
I have photographed this many times, but do you think I can find them? here's one..
Gentianella amarella- note- the close-up photo makes the flowers appear much showier than they Plants are very narrow top to bottom, with suitably slender flowers; it's a fave, but demands a close look to appreciate..

Submitted by Hoy on Sat, 11/17/2012 - 00:59

Gentianella amara is native in Norway too - I have only seen it on a few occasions though. Another in the same genus is Gentianella aurea which I have only seen twice in northern Norway.

G. campestris is very variable. Some plants are tiny with only one or two pair of leaves and one or two flowers, other can be rather tall with many flowers. It is very common at our mountain cabin where it grows in a meadow. I mow the meadow once a year (late fall) but try to spare the late flowering gentians.

Gentianella campestris in the meadow (1,2) and Gentianella aurea (bad picture):

Submitted by Lori S. on Sat, 11/17/2012 - 10:03

Cliff, is that very compact, floriferous form the usual one seen in the alpine areas?  It's amazing.  Very different from the form that Trond shows from his area. 
As Cohan said, our G. amarella is not so showy, or so compact and floriferous (that I've ever seen) but the flowers are very interesting close up.  It's very abundant in montane-subalpine-alpine areas around here, and adds lots of interest (flowers and frost-tinged foliage colour) late in the season.

Submitted by cohan on Sat, 11/17/2012 - 12:36

G amarella seems pretty adaptable-- its very common here in the 'lowlands' as well as the higher elevations Lori mentions..
Generally tending to moist areas, though quite common on roadsides...

1- a close-up
2,3- a view of growth habit and habitat.. I'd estimate 30cm as an average height, though they could be taller or shorter
4-overhead view
5,6-the narrow habit makes it hard to get good close shots that aren't from straight above!

Submitted by Hoy on Sat, 11/17/2012 - 16:04

I do like G amarella! It has a kind of quiet charm that fits in that kind of natural setting which I try to establish at our mountain cabin.

Submitted by Mark McD on Sat, 11/17/2012 - 18:27

Hoy wrote:

I do like G amarella! It has a kind of quiet charm that fits in that kind of natural setting which I try to establish at our mountain cabin.

I agree, it's a charming little plant, I like it.