Greetings from New Zealand.

Submitted by Toole on

Hello all.
A few of you will know me from my postings on the SRGC Forum.

Married and a landscaper by trade I've travelled the mountains of the southern part of the South Island N.Z. off and on over the past 35 years--initially hunting and hiking --now photography and botanizing at a very amateur level.(Taxonomy i find very taxing :-\ :) ).

We garden in the middle of an evergreen 'bush',(native forrested), property ,so my interests mostly lay in woodlanders --Trilliums being my favourite--many i raise from seed each year as a hobby as well as many other Genera from SRGC --AGS--Alpine Garden Club of BC --NZAGS --Trillium L and a number of local groups .

A seedaholic maybe ???--Yes--- on reflection most definitely ;D

Looking forward to contributing to this Forum and hearing about your experiences.

Cheers Dave.


Submitted by Hoy on Mon, 07/05/2010 - 07:47

Welcome, Dave! As I am living in western Norway with amounts of precipitation and usually little snow and not too cold winters my interests are mostly woodlandres too. I am looking forward to learn more about your part of the World!


Submitted by RickR on Mon, 07/05/2010 - 19:17

Oops!  I meant - welcome to the forum, Dave, on the other thread.
Heck, Welcome Again!

And by the way, you may get some trillium seed starting questions headed your way...