Delaware Valley Chapter of NARGS wins Best in Show!

Submitted by HughGmail on

Delaware Valley Chapter of NARGS wins Best in Show for Plant Societies at the Philadelphia Flower Show. Quite an honor since this is probably the most prestigious flower show in the country.

The exhibit is called "A Traveller's Rockery."

The design evokes, with con­temporary container garden sensibility, the playful sculpted home rockery of a well-traveled Delaware Valley gardener/collector from another era. Using an irregular overall form, typical rock garden elements (screes, rectangular containers and raised stone beds) are filled with plant material from around the world. A wide variety of plants, hardy and tender, diminutive and standard, creates a lush design to thrive in our hot, humid Delaware Valley environment. The show designer is Gene Spurgeon and our plantings were chaired by Joan Schmitt. It was a large and hardworking committee.

construction zone!

(posted by Hugh Mac Millan for the Delaware Chapter and Betty Mackey)


Submitted by RickR on Wed, 03/03/2010 - 18:50

That was a huge undertaking!  It's too bad that more alpine materials aren't really available at this time of year.  The Delaware Valley Chapter must be very proud, and rightly so!  Congratulations!