Help Loading Photo

Submitted by Weintraub on

I tried to upload a photo from my imac, but it doesn't happen. I use the 'browse' link next to "I will load my own photo", but it doesn't load after clicking on "Change Profile" at the bottom of the page. What am I doing wrong?



Submitted by Mark McD on Mon, 03/01/2010 - 11:51

Barbara wrote:

I tried to upload a photo from my imac, but it doesn't happen. I use the 'browse' link next to "I will load my own photo", but it doesn't load after clicking on "Change Profile" at the bottom of the page. What am I doing wrong?


Hello Barbara,

After you use the 'browse' link, select an image file (the name of the image file should be highlighted), then use the "Open" button.  After that, the path and name of the file should show up in the empty field.  Once the path and file name populate the empty field, then hit the "Change Profile" button at the bottom.  The preview of the image should update and display after clicking "Change Profile". I am attaching two screen shots to show the steps.  Let me know if this works or not.  

Also recommended, is to make sure your file has a valid "file extension: such as ".jpg", ".gif", or ".png", as quite often with Mac users, the file extension might not be automatically appended as it is on PC systems.  Also, since the profile image is small, if your image file is very large, be sure to downsize the image beforehand and select the smaller image.

Submitted by Weintraub on Tue, 03/02/2010 - 09:24

That's exactly what I did - and redid just now - but photo remained blank until I highlighted another photo. Perhaps problem was with the specific photo...

Submitted by Mark McD on Tue, 03/02/2010 - 09:29

Barbara wrote:

That's exactly what I did - and redid just now - but photo remained blank until I highlighted another photo. Perhaps problem was with the specific photo...

Yes, probably a problem with the specific photo.  Glad you found an image that worked.  Wecome to the forum, and your little dog too :D