They are here! 2017 seeds!

Submitted by CScott on

Thank you to all the volunteers who make the Seed Exchange possible!

Mine arrived today-----all , but one of my first choices!

Now I am sorting them out as to how to germinate them.

First I deal with the ones that came moist packed.   Jeffersonia and Hepaticas go onto more moist vermiculite, and then out to the unheated garage.

Meconopsis go in the frig until I get pots ready for them.

Peony seeds go to soak in dilute peroxide.

And so on it goes until they are all looked after.

Please share how you deal with 25 or 35 seed packets.


Submitted by rodlutes on Thu, 02/02/2017 - 10:39

I just heard the mailman at the door and went down to see what he had left.  There it was ... the envelope of seeds.  I  am so excited, this is the first time participating in the Seedex.  I received 25 packets of seeds and on a quick glance I think I got most of my first picks.

Like CScott I have to sort for germination treatment.

CScott - I noticed for Peony seeds you soak in diluted peroxide.  I have grown Peony from seed before but never used diluted peroxide.  Is this just for sterilization or does it do something else?

Thank you to all the people who make this possible.

Submitted by Fermi on Wed, 02/15/2017 - 18:39

Seeds arrived but intercepted by Biosecurity - 6 packets removed but after contacting them 4 are to be released!

The weather is not yet cool enough to start sowing but I'm getting things ready!



Seed exchanges across national boundaries have unique problems.

So far I have not had any seeds confiscated at our border.

I steer clear of ordering some seeds because I know they are not allowed by our phyto security rules.

Hibiscus is one.  Apparently the seeds can carry unwanted pathogens.

And our provincial Weed controls ban some too.

It is annoying to us in Australia (and probably even more to our NZ colleagues) that import regulations are so strict. I understand that they have to be strict to avoid importation of pests and potential threats to our environment, food crops, etc. But sometimes the workers at the Agency don't even know how the system works. All orchid seed is allowed into Australia (how the orchid growers got this blanket acceptance is not known!) but no orchid species is actually listed on our "Allowed List". A friend had a packet of orchid seed withheld and when she stated that all orchid seeds were allowed the worker didn't believe her! I sent her the link to the Agency's own website in the hope that the worker will see reason.

The "Allowed List" ( )is actually problematic because no alliums are listed on the master list - they are on a separate list! ( 4 of the packets withheld from my NARGS Seedex packet were alliums - I had to send the link to remind them that some alliums are allowed! I'm not sure if there are separate lists for other speciesindecision

Now I'm just waiting for the Surplus Seed distribution!!!!




Anticipating the Surplus seeds also.

Although I am so busy when the Surplus Seeds arrive that I might not get to deal with some of them until fall.

That is when I can begin to Winter sow the items which need chilling.

A second 'frig dedicated to gardening would be nice.

Or I should just order seeds for warm germination from Surplus list.


Surplus seeds arrived today!

Not even two weeks after ordering!

Thank you to the volunteers who make this happen.

I do appreciate your effort.