NARGS Annual Meeting: Colorado - June 23-27th 2016

Submitted by IMYoung on

NARGS Annual Meeting: A Higher State -  Steppe to Alpine   will be held in  Steamboat Springs, Colorado

- June 23-27th 2016 -  and the Scottish Rock Garden Club is pleased to be spreading the word  to encourage visitors!




Submitted by Whyer on Wed, 12/23/2015 - 04:07

The post conference trip to N. Wyoming seems to be the same area as that of the 2006 Snowbird conference pctrip. Can someone who knows the area and maybe went on the 2006 with us remind me how this may differ, apart from timing, as we were a little late in the season last time? My records are not good enough to compare with the description in the journal. I recall some of us passed on the Cody museums and went to see "wild horses" in the nearby badlands instead.

Facebook posts suggest that online  booking , having been delayed, will open today 13th January.   I'm being contacted by SRGC members via our notice about the event to say  they cannot find this booking  link. It's been posted that a copy of the mail-in form is available online  meantime - but I cannot find that.  Members wishing to come are worried by posts that the post-conference tour is fully booked before they've had a chance to book -  Help needed , please!

It's a shame that we originally had a commitment in June that stopped me from booking as it's about time we got back to the US for a NARGS conference (Bobby Ward has been telling me for years!). Sadly the other event got canceled and I hear that the trips are now booked out! Maybe next year!



Submitted by IMYoung on Mon, 06/20/2016 - 04:41

We're delighted to hear that the pre-conference tour is going well and that  members are arriving to enjoy the wildflowers - see some early photos  in the SRGC Forum thread on the event :


Have a wonderful conference!


Hi Maggi,

Thanks for doing that!

I'm so sorry we didn't get there and the pictures people are posting on FB really are great! (But I'm not on FB so glad you are re-posting.)

I think we visited Yampa Botanic Park in 1999 - it certainly has gone ahead in the past 17 years!cheeky




Submitted by HeLP on Tue, 06/28/2016 - 11:34

For pictures and comments regarding the NARGS annual meeting go to the SRGC forum

Yes, Maggi has been busy re-posting pics from Julia and others!

It looks to have been a great conference and some great gardens/tours



Here are a few pictures from the conference.  We visited a wonderful garden in Steamboat Springs: Yampa River Botanic Park. It featured a very nice rock garden.


The trail was fairly easy with a lot of things to see.  I was surprised to see Campanula rotundifolia looking so sturdy and upright.  In my garden it flops.



It wouldn't be Colorado without aspens.  Aquilegia caerulea grew in their shade.  Eriogonum subalpinum preferred a sunnier aspect.


The second day I hiked along Sarvis Creek.  In the deep shade you could find Corallorhiza wisteriana.  In the sun, lupines filled the fields.


Driving southwest of Steamboat Springs, I encountered a very difference landscape on my way to Vail.  I think the yucca was Y. harrimaniae.


My last stop was at the Betty Ford Alpine Garden in Vail.  Candelabra primulas obviously liked it there.  The rockeries were well-designed.  My photo of the alpine house doesn't do it justice.  Nick Courtens and Kenton Seth masterfully laid out the tufa.  Very impressive!



Half the fun of being in Colorado was visiting with old friends and meeting new ones.  Tony Reznicek, Janet Novak and Marcella Ferreyra, Johan Nillson, Julia Corden, and Mary Ellen Asmundson.



I'm happy to say the weather was fairly cooperative except for the first evening in Steamboat Springs.  During the lecture, thunder, lightning and wind accompanied pounding hail.  Those of us with rental cars were relieved to see no hail damage!

I should thank Mike Kintgen and his host of volunteers from both Denver and Steamboat Springs.  It took an extra effort to smooth over bumps in transportation.  Well done!

Submitted by RickR on Thu, 07/07/2016 - 14:41

These reports have made me very envious of those who attended.  We'll be visiting with our Minnesota attendee this Saturday.  Can't wait to here her stories....

Glad you enjoyed the Conference, Claire, and have shared these pics with the Forum.

Have they announced where the 2017 Conference will be held?

One day I'll get back to the States for a NARGS event!




Hi, Fermi,

The only announcement was for the 2018 AGM, to be held in Newfoundland.  Todd Boland gave a brief presentation on the last night of the conference.


Submitted by IMYoung on Fri, 07/29/2016 - 09:40

In reply to by Cockcroft

Delighted to see , elsewhere on this site this announcement :

NARGS Steamboat Springs Awards - 2016

Peter George, chair of the NARGS Awards Committee, has announced the recipients of the 2016 awards presented at the annual meeting in Steamboat Springs, Colorado, June 22 - 27.

Linc and Timmy Foster Millstream Award for Outstanding Garden

Jacques and Andrea Thompson, Ypsilanti, Michigan

Shirley Friberg, Roseville, Minnesota

Edgar T. Wherry Award  for dissemination of botanical and/or horticultural information about native North American plants

Mike Kintgen, Denver, Colorado

Award of Merit for service to NARGS and who are of demonstrated plantsmanship

Nicola Ripley, Vail, Colorado

Kenton Seth, Grand Junction, Colorado