
Submitted by externmed on

A few growers, often represented on eBay, are offering quite a variety of Lycoris.  (about 20 sp and cv on offer now: pink, white, "blue", yellow,  orange, and red).

In my garden the easy, Lycoris squamigera, has proven semi-recalcitrant; but it will grow well for others, here in Massachusetts, (NE) USA.

I wonder how others are doing with a wider spectrum of these plants?  They can be divided between fall and spring foliage varieties, and generally the fall foliage ones likely do not tolerate the cold north.


Lycoris Aurea
Incarnata Sprengeri Squamigera & Unknown
Lycoris Radiata
Lycoris sprengeri


Submitted by Fermi on Sat, 03/22/2014 - 07:21

The first Lycoris this autumn in our garden is Lycoris elsae - sometimes called the Champagne Lycoris!

Lycoris aurea is still in bud,




Lycoris elsae
Lycoris elsae
Lycoris aurea in bud

This is the first of only two stems emerging on Lycoris incarnata this year - last year there were none but it has flowered much better in the past,

Lycoris incarnata Lycoris incarnata Lycoris incarnata



Lycoris incarnata
Lycoris incarnata
Lycoris incarnata

Submitted by Fermi on Sat, 02/21/2015 - 15:50

In reply to by Lori S.


Lycoris are "Wow" plants because they can pop up and flower in the space of a day or two - if you haven't been checking each day they can really surprise you.

A few weeks after that original flower-spike, a few more popped up after another rainstorm,

Lycoris incarnata



Lycoris incarnata

Submitted by Fermi on Wed, 03/11/2015 - 02:02

In reply to by Fermi

This red one is grown as Lycoris radiata but may be a hybrid,

Lycoris (maybe) radiata



Lycoris (maybe) radiata

The red Lycoris came into full bloom a few days later

Lycoris (maybe) radiataLycoris (maybe) radiata

and this morning Lycoris x elsae was looking good but on rather short stems

Lycoris x elsaeLycoris x elsae



Lycoris (maybe) radiata
Lycoris (maybe) radiata
Lycoris x elsae
Lycoris x elsae

This year the first Lycoris to flower were the Lycoris incarnata again; the first clump (pics 1&2) were about a week earlier than the second,

Lycoris incarnata Lycoris incarnata Lycoris incarnata Lycoris incarnata



Lycoris incarnata
Lycoris incarnata
Lycoris incarnata
Lycoris incarnata