Cyclamen Season 2014-2105

Submitted by penstemon on

Thought I'd start a new cyclamen subject. This is about the middle of the cyclamen season which started with "Cyclamen fatrense" a couple of months ago, in the garden here. 

First, Cyclamen cilicium. Then a self-sown cilicium and, in the lower part of the photo, a C. coum. (C. coum is one of my favorite "weeds.)

Third, Cyclamen mirabile 'Tile Barn Nicholas', and then a regular mirabile





Submitted by Lori S. on Sun, 10/19/2014 - 21:26

The leaf patterns are wonderful... and, needless to say, great flowers too!  

I'm down to a few (3, at least) two-leaf seedlings of C. purpurascens (and glad to have them).  My 10-year old plants were dead this spring, unaccountably.

Submitted by RickR on Sun, 10/19/2014 - 21:29

I never tire of looking at the endless leaf patterns of cyclamen.

Thanks, Bob!

I only have two purpurascens; the one called C. fatrense by some, and 'fancy leaf" from Seneca Hill. 

The garden here appears to be very cyclamen-friendly. No pesticides are used, which I think is good for a healthy population of ants.



Well, please do!

The ant population is very healthy here too (no pesticides, either) - I only begrudge that they seem to sense what plant I'm particularly fond of at any time and then choose to excavate under or build up into it... how do they do that???  I guess it's the climate that's a bit unforgiving at times, though.  :-)

Submitted by penstemon on Sun, 10/19/2014 - 22:37

In reply to by Lori S.

Ants destroyed a large mat of Maihuenia poeppigii, one of Convolvulus assyricus and one of Catananche caespitosa, among others. Little ants. If I notice the soft, dug-up soil around the plants, I sprinkle a little cinnamon around, and that usually deters them.  They go somewhere else. Talking about "fake" cinnamon here, the kind readily available, not "true" cinnamon. It makes the garden smell odd, but so does Rabbit Stopper, which also has cinnamon in it. 


More cyclamen pictures later.



Cyclamen leaves. Now I know that if I were a gardener in, say, the U.K., this would seem pretty pathetic, but cyclamen aren't all that easy to come by here. 

First is regular Cyclamen coum, self sown. (Well, ant-sown.) 

Second is C. purpurascens 'Extra Fancy', from Seneca Hill Nursery. 




Cyclamen leaves. Now I know that if I were a gardener in, say, the U.K., this would seem pretty pathetic, but cyclamen aren't all that easy to come by here......... 



Not pathetic at all Bob, any Cyclamen is a good Cyclamen and particularly so when grown in, what to UK growers,  is a difficult environment.

The bulk of my collection are small plants grown from seed, I'll try and post a few pictures later.

Submitted by penstemon on Tue, 10/21/2014 - 11:53

In reply to by deesen

Thanks. Well, if you know any growers who are desperate to send fancy forms of cyclamen to the U.S., my address is in the NARGS directory....Instead of my name, the parcel should be addressed to O.C. Cupant.....

More leaves, today.

A self-sown C. coum



Still more leaves.

Cyclamen mirabile 'Tile Barn Anne'

C. pseudibericum

Two leaf forms of C. confusum.




Submitted by deesen on Tue, 10/21/2014 - 12:16

In reply to by penstemon

As I said most of my Cyclamen are small plants grown from seed with a couple of larger species gifted to me by a fellow grower. Here's Cyclamen graecum and C. mirabile.


My own graecum were all sown in 2008 and none of them have yet produced a flower but I'm told not to worry and it could be another couple of years before they do

Very nice indeed.

I'm not sure I would trust someone who told me not to worry, since I rush out every day to see what awful thing might have happened ....

I tried graecum here once, in the open garden, but one of the problems with cyclamen is making sure that the roots have come in contact with the soil, so they don't heave from frost, or get wrenched out of the ground by rodents. 





Three Cyclamen cilicium: a light pink form, forma album and cilicium ex 'Bowles Form' and I'm told this pretty close to the original





Cyclamen cyprium ex 'ES'. ES was Elizabeth Strangman a notable nursery owner from the past in the UK. The ES form normally has a quite beautiful leaf mine is the typical bog-standard leaf

All very, very nice. 

I got my first cyclamen (coum) from a friend, the late Nina Lambert of Ithaca NY. We corresponded for about twenty years; never met. She was surprised at the number of other species which were hardy here, but the amount of precipitation to be expected here in the next four months is about 5cm, all in the form of snow. (I don't like snow, but the plants seem to.)



I received this cyclamen as a mature tuber last year from my friend Otto - it produced a few leaves then went dormant and I thought I'd seen the end of it. Yesterday I discovered it in flower! This is Cyclamen rohlfsianum looking a bit worse for wear after struggling up through the mulch.

Cyclamen rohlfsianum Cyclamen rohlfsianum Cyclamen rohlfsianum

I'm not even sure it's supposed to flower in mid-summer,



Cyclamen rohlfsianum
Cyclamen rohlfsianum
Cyclamen rohlfsianum

First of the Cyclamen coum this year. I don't know why the color is so washed out; the sun here is very bright. 

There are many more flowering here, but I thought dozens of pictures might be overdoing it. 

A few more of my Cyclamen:

Cyclamen alpinum, a lighter form

C alpinum, a darker form

C coum ex Nymans (2 pictures)

C coum from the garden

A few more:-


Cyclamen coum ssp caucasiacum

C. pseudibericum (2 pics)

C libanoticum NOT this was grown from Exchange seed labeled C libanoticum but it seems to be a hybrid between libanoticum and cyprium caled Cyclamen x wellensiekii