Botanical Art Book proposal from Denver Bot. Gdn.

Submitted by IMYoung on

I'm coming late to this project so I'm not sure if you know about it or not -

Related to Denver Botanic Gardens, there is a proposed publication of .........

"Practice Makes Perfect: A Botanical Illustration Sketchbook

by School of Botanical Art and Illustration

Practice Makes Perfect: A Botanical Illustration Sketchbook from Denver Botanic Gardens’ School of Botanical Art and Illustration not only represents skills and abilities, but also creativity, ideas and friendship. Even though this is a collective work, each page and image presents a unique view from the illustration community, and reveals something of the heart and mind of the artist. Illustration can take many forms; it has an ability to transform a page and can add magic to words to present what simple text might imply, but can not say.

The primary goal is to raise funds to publish the limited edition Practice Makes Perfect: A Botanical Illustration Sketchbook. It is an art book of 76 illustrations made by 16 instructors and 60 artists from the School of Botanical Art and Illustration at Denver Botanic Gardens. It celebrates the program’s 34th anniversary and its restructuring as the School of Botanical Art and Illustration. The project is loosely based on the Sketchtravel project founded in Paris in 2006 when Gerald Guerlais and Daisuke Dice Tsusfumi created a book that traveled from hand to hand among 71 artists all over the globe. Our own sketchbook project was completed in one year with participants from the Gardens’ botanical illustration community, including international artists."

 For more information, to see sample illustrations etc and to ,make a donation, see this link:



Submitted by Fermi on Sat, 11/15/2014 - 18:33

Got onto Kickstarter and am now waiting for my copy to arrive! Hopefully before a friend's birthday as it would be a great present! (Also got a copy for me!)




No sign of anything sent here yet - have you had anything, fermi?



just some e-mails from Kick-starter; that's cutting it fine for Christmas!



Submitted by Fermi on Fri, 03/06/2015 - 15:46

In reply to by Fermi

It's finally here!

some lovely images and a bit of humor.

Even a drawing of Monardella 'Marian Sampson' which was mentioned on the Forum recently,



Yes, it has arrived here too -I have unpacked it but will leave an inspection until I have more time to relax with it.  Pleased to have it here at last!