Lilium 2014

Submitted by RickR on

Lilium martagon seedlings.  These have nice furry buds.

May 27


May 31



Submitted by Hoy on Sun, 06/01/2014 - 12:04

Rick, hope the flower colour matches the buds!

My sole martagon lily was damaged by a slug trying to eat through the stemangry


The first lily to flower is Lilium lophophorumsmiley

Submitted by RickR on Sun, 06/01/2014 - 17:31

Wow Trond, that's one really cool L. lophophorum.  Am I seeing only four developed petals? 

I have a couple started from seed last year.

[quote=Lori S.]


Lilium lophophorum!!!! Wow!  How long have you grown it, Trond?



It's the 2. spring in my garden. I bought it as a small bulb 2 1/2 years ago.


Rick, it has 6 petals, here's a better view I hope. It is a bit tricky to picture:

Lilium hansoni in flower. The foliage and some of the flowers are somewhat damaged by snails.



It is difficult to take pictures of the plants wagging in the wind and the sunlight is very strong and hard.

Submitted by RickR on Mon, 06/23/2014 - 08:49

"It's difficult to take pictures of the plants wagging in the wind and the sunlight is very strong and hard."

Don't I know it!  Sometimes I will sacrifice picture quality and photograph in the early morning or evening in lower light. 

First to flower for me was an early form of Lilium martagon.  Originally from NARGS seed ex,  I've "decided" these were apomicticly produced.  I have eight different seedlings, and each is the same in every way. 


Then came Lilium szovitsianum.  After growing my first one from seed to bloom after seven years, then losing it to transplanting to a "better" place, I am quite happy that this one has bloomed from seed in just 5 years.  Definitely a smaller plant than my orginal, though.


Then more martagon seedlings




This one had prominent spots showing on the bud












And cultivars - Claude Shride and Terrace City


Super Tsing


Submitted by RickR on Sat, 07/12/2014 - 14:21

Catching up here, you can see some of my hybridized martagon section lilies here:

The fake Lilium tsingtauense (Lilium tsingtauense x (L.medeoloides and/or L.distichum))



Lilium duchartrei

Lilium lijiangense

Lilium davidii and Lilium davidii var. willmottiae


Lilium leichtlinii var. maximowiczii from wild collected seed on Oyama, Toyama Prefecture.




Submitted by RickR on Sat, 07/26/2014 - 18:48

The North American Lily Society convention was here in Minneapolis this month.  My garden was on the self-guided tour, so I've spent a lot of extra time readying, but it seemed to be of no avail.  My locality had 3 more inches of rainfall in June than every area 10 miles or more away, which brought the month of June's total to 15 inches!  (Our normal yearly precipitation is only 24 inches.)  Thank goodness I live at the top of a hill.  I had nine Lilium species blooming at the time of the tour, and three of them had just opened on that very day.  With the torrential downpours, it was difficult to keep them looking good (and some of them upright), but it was surprising how well most of them stood up on their own.

Lilium leichtlinii


Lilium michiganense



Lilium distichum


Lilium leichtlinii x Lilium maculatum var. wilsonii - (all the flowering ones)


Lilium concolor


Lilium callosum - from wild seed collected in the Russian far east.  Normally orange, a red form bloomed this year.


Lilium maculatum var. wilsonii


Lilium papilliferum


Lilium auratum

Submitted by RickR on Mon, 07/28/2014 - 16:45

Grown from wild collected seed in Kentucky.

Lilium canadense - lifted to view the face, and the correct orientation.


Submitted by Toole on Mon, 07/28/2014 - 23:59

Gee kiss

Lilium certainly do well for you Rick...smiley

Thanks for posting.

Cheers Dave.

Submitted by RickR on Tue, 07/29/2014 - 20:09

Well, I pretty much only show the good stuff.  This is the whole plant, and you can see the inflorescence structure is  little goofy.  All my Lilium canadense show chlorosis, which I think is mostly from lack of soil acidity.  It usually clears up as the season progresses, but the enormous amount of rainfall this year is exasperating the problem, I think.  I'd foliar spray with a mix of Fe, Mg, Mn, Cu,B, Z, (which always helped in the past), but this year it always got washed off within a day!  Not sure which element(s) is lacking.  Epsom salt (Mg) alone, never helped at all.  By the way, in the pic there is another single bud in the foreground, the other tall whorled leaves are L. michiganense, and the low single whorls on the right is the fake L. tsingauense, with a couple I am letting produce seed in the background.

But still, this latest L. canadense I am particularly excited about.  Not only is it the coolest one so far, but it also significantly less chlorotic, and I hope it's a trait I can breed for.  The first bloom from that batch of seed bloomed last year, and was quite different:

Neither look like the wild mother:

I'll have a few different ones bloom this year, too, and we'll see what they hold.  I never would have expected such diversity.  I certainly am lucky there.

Rick, maybe you were lucky with the seed batch but you are a damn good gardener!

In my opinion even the "goofy" appearance of the inflorescence is nice. I don't like the congested ones of some of the newer hybrids.

BTW I would love to have some of your rain! Have barely seen some drops this summer. Both at home and at our summerhouse it is bone dry, here in the mountains where I am now it is a little better.

At home the mean temperature for July was 5.1C (9.2F) above normal. All the months so far this year have been warmer and drier than normal.