Summer standout - Campanula trogerae

Submitted by Kelaidis on

I first got seed of Campanula trogerae from Jim and Jenny Archibald almost 20 years ago: it has thrived ever since then. In fact, I think my original plants are still growing in my first home garden to this day. They bloom from late June almost to August, in the very heart of the summer: surely among the largest flowered, and most crystalline blooms in the genus. Of course, instead of bell shaped these are this strange, starry shape reminiscent of Michauxia...come to think of it, Michauxia does grow thereabouts. Perhaps there was some ancient hanky panky with C. betulifolia responsible for this anomalous flower?

I can't imagine my gardens without this most spectacular plant in the genus. Easy to grow.


Submitted by Boland on Thu, 02/18/2010 - 06:39

Just sowed seeds for this one!

Submitted by HughGmail on Thu, 02/18/2010 - 09:39

I too can attest the longevity of this one along the Colorado Front Range.  It has endured in the rock garden since 2003 and shows no signs of departure.  It has braved a snow pack of 55 inches and temperatures nearing 100 degrees F.  Certainly a jewel in the garden.  It serpentines between the Lewisia offering a nice contrast of leaf form even when not in bloom.  They are situated where they receive a few hours of direct sun in the morning then shaded for the remainder of the day.  Over the years, a few volunteers have appeared further down the garden but they certainly are not invasive in my garden.

Submitted by Jeddeloh on Sat, 03/03/2012 - 17:51

Does anyone know if slugs go for Campanula trogerae with the same gusto as they do for other campanula?  I live in the slug capitol of the world.....

Jan in perpetually soggy Portland Oregon