Fall Speakers Tour with Ian Young

Submitted by HeLP on

Ian Young Tour Itinerary

Oct. 12 Berkshire Chapter

Oct. 13 New England Chapter

Oct. 15 Fells Chapter

Oct. 19 Watnong Chapter

Oct. 20 Tri-State meeting in Terrytown, NY

Oct. 22 Potomac Chapter

Oct. 26 Delaware Chapter

Oct. 28 Great Lakes Chapter

Oct. 30 Ontario Chapter

Nov. 1 Nova Scotia Chapter

Nov. 2 Piedmont Chapter



Submitted by Mark McD on Sat, 09/28/2013 - 07:34

Excellent, I will try to make it to the New England Chapter meeting. Harold, any details on the subject matter or title(s) of Ian's presentations?

[quote=Mark McD]

Excellent, I will try to make it to the New England Chapter meeting. Harold, any details on the subject matter or title(s) of Ian's presentations?


winkPretty sure it'll either be Bulbs or Banjos!



Submitted by IMYoung on Sun, 09/29/2013 - 10:46

I can help with this.... it's not all bulbs and banjos..... the talks chosen by the Chapters are :

Ian Young Tour Itinerary

Oct. 12 Berkshire Chapter    Bulbs in the garden    and    Highland Gathering

Oct. 13 New England Chapter     Inspired to Rock  and   Highland Gathering

Oct. 15 Fells Chapter     Nature, the Gardener's Tutor

Oct. 19 Watnong Chapter   High Rise and Time-share

Oct. 20 Tri-State meeting in Terrytown, NY   Bulbs in the Garden    and    Nature, the Gardener's Tutor

Oct. 22 Potomac Chapter         Inspired to Rock

Oct. 26 Delaware Chapter   Highland Gathering

Oct. 28 Great Lakes Chapter      'High Rise and Time-share

Oct. 30 Ontario Chapter      Off the Wall

Nov. 1 Nova Scotia Chapter   Inspired to Rock

Nov. 2 Piedmont Chapter      Bulbs in the Garden      and    Inspired to rock




[Moderator update for Oct.13th date]

Submitted by RickR on Sun, 09/29/2013 - 11:30

I am jealous !!!

Having heard Ian present at the Czech Conference as well at the NZAGS Study Weekend and elsewhere, I urge anyone who has an interest in growing bulbs to get along to one of these. They don't call him the "Bulb Despot" for nothing!



We're wondering if you might be needed to walk around with a placard advertising more than simply bulbs in Ian's talks, David - There will be other plants too......... he's known as the Bulb Despot, but even Ian knows that there are hundreds of other plants needed in the garden to make he bulbs look even better ! He may even talk a bit about my beloved  ericaceous plants!!

Submitted by Booker on Tue, 10/01/2013 - 12:08

In reply to by Longma

Please do not pass up this opportunity to see one the UK's leading lecturers, one of the nation's finest growers and one of the alpine world's nicest people.

Thanks for the itinerary Maggi, combine that info with the talk descriptions listed in the following link, we get the full picture:

Harold Peachey reminded me that you can click on the Speakers tab in the main navigation, then choose Speakers Tour 2013 - Fall - East.


Just checked the eNewsletter from our New England Chapter NARGS, for upcoming events, and it has Ian Young down for two talks for Sunday, October 13th. 2013, not one talk as per the list provided on NARGS Forum.

Here's a copy and paste from our newsletter:
October 13, 2013 Sunday
Ian Young, Speaker, Garden in the Woods, Framingham [Massachusetts]
10:30 a.m. Welcome– coffee,tea and cookies and set up.
11:00 Ian Young – Inspired to Rock
12:00 Lunch (bring your own),
Plant Show and Tell
1:00 Ian Young – Highland Games

Looks like we'll be getting both talks, which I'm very happy about. 

Some confusion it seems - Ian only has "Highland Gathering"  ( no talk called Highland Games!) listed for the 13th October  - but he's re-ordering his lists even as I type!

Some confusion indeed!  I will let the NEC NARGS newsletter editor and NARGS officers know.  Inside the newsletter, the mistake is repeated.  Will see if we can get a correction and update this post accordingly.

Ian says no problem with giving the two talks, Mark .... but the second will be Highland Gathering not Games  ;.)

He thinks he may have got confused about which Chapter is which!

Well, I'm looking to find out what was agreed upon, I'm just an accidental bystander noticing the discrepancy, raising awareness of it, and I sent off an email tonight to a number of NE NARGS chapter officers, to discover what the initial arrangement and agreements were.  You and Ian are being most agreeable, thank you, I'm sure it will sort itself out. As soon as I hear back from someone "in the know", I'll repost here. I sincerely apologize on everyone's behalf for the confusion.

By the way Maggi, are you joining Ian on this talk circuit, or holding the fort at SRGC?

Don't worry, Mark, it'll all come out in the wash, as we say.  Difficult to keep track of all the different chapters - some people talking about their Chapter, others their town/city so it's easy for us to get confused!

Ian is travelling solo - I'm holding the fort here -  sprouting bulbs to be cared for - and in a couple of weeks I take ownership of two "new" ( 7year old) little dogs that we are re-homing cool

Looks like being a busy few weeks for us both!

Meantime we're off to glorious Speyside for the SRGC Discussion Weekend - hooray!

I've heard back after my inquiry, have been given assurance that for the New England Chapter of NARGS, two talks were agreed upon, which started over a year ago.  The whole NARGS chapter thing can be confusing, our local New England chapter essentially based in the greater Boston area (eastern Massachusetts) is called the New England chapter (New England is 6 states!), then there's the Berkshire Chapter which is western Massachusetts close to the New York state border (also New England, but separate from the the New England chapter, oh brother.).  Anyways, I think it is squared away, the following should represent the correct status regarding Ian's presentations to the New England Chapter on Oct. 13th 2013.:

Ian Young’s presentations to the New England Chapter on Sunday October 13th, at Garden in the Woods, Framingham, Massachusetts.
Morning session, 11:00 AM:
Inspired to Rock
The gardens and places that inspired me to grow rock garden plants and how I interpreted them into our garden.

Afternoon session, 1:00 PM:
Highland Gathering
Talk for the 2011 International Conference looking at the development and philosophy of our garden.
I truly look forward to hearing both presentations.

Reporting in since our New England NARGS meeting this past weekend (Oct 13, 2013), both of Ian's talks were no less than brilliant!  Ian's enthusiasm is infectious and the presentations were both inspiring and refreshing.  I heartily encourage NARGS members to take advantage of this opportunity, and attend a NARGS Chapter meeting nearest you, on the dates listed earlier in this topic.  Thanks too, to Harold Peachey, and other organizers, for bringing this fine speaking tour to eastern North America.


Thanks to all the NARGS members who have worked together to bring this world class event to fruition.  Remember that one of the stated purposes of the NARGS Speakers Tour is to assist chapters in recruiting new members so bring your neighbors, friends and relatives to the nearest presentation to demonstrate the rewards of being a chapter member and belonging to a world class organization like NARGS.