Alpines in September

Submitted by Lori S. on

Mostly just foliage these days...

Onosma nana;  Glaucium flavum aurantiacum - wonder if it will survive the winter?; Salvia cryptantha seems very at home; adding some silvery symmetry - Campanula topaliana


An update on some of this year's Eriogonum seedlings - still teensy:  E. ovalifolium v. eximium; E. thymoides, E. sphaerocephalum v. sphaerocephalum:


Erigeron compositus var. discoideus has been blooming since late May!


Anaphalis monocephala is no slouch either and CORRECTION: Linum sp. (Convolvulus holosericeus) has been very impressive!


A late Townsendia parryi:


Orostachys spinosa (again) and Rosularia turkestanica (also again); a hip on Rosa minima - the hips are showier than the small, single, pale pink flowers (at least in the miserable fashion that I grow it, anyway); Antirrhinum molle:



Submitted by cohan on Mon, 09/16/2013 - 11:59

And some nice foliage it is! Campanula topaliana looks pretty cool..

My Erigeron- which I've been calling compositus, but was never 100% sure- wonder if it's the same as yours, I didn't keep track of where I got the original seed from -somewhere West of here, on one of my first trips after moving back; I'll have to find a pic to post- has also been flowering all year this year. Usually it flowers in spring, with maybe a flower or two later. It also self seeds very generously

We discussed the longevity of T parryi before- well mine, which were from seed from you, all died after flowering; the flowering was long and quite spectacular though, guess they just bloomed themselves to death, and were still making some small flowers when almost all of the leaves were long gone. Mine were all darker coloured than the one you show here.I collected most of the seed, but I'm sure I missed enough, and think I have seen some seedlings.

Here's the Erigeron I mentioned above, but this is it in July. You can see seedlings all around it, and there are others much farther afield than that. No problem, I do like it. though I could wish for shorter flower stems....oh well.

Behind you can see the hulking dried flower stalks of the at that time mostly expired T parryi mentioned above. Second shot is a crop to show the leaves more clearly. Does this look the same as yours, Lori?

Erigeron etc  Erigeron

Erigeron etc

It sure does at a glance but I'd have to look a lot more closely.  According to Flora of Alberta, we have both E. compositus var. glabratus "with leaves 2-3 times ternate" and var. discoideus "with trifid leaves", which I did not realize and have not distinguished.

A wonderful gift I was given the weekend before last... Townsendia condensata.  (Thank you so much, my kind benefactor!!  smiley)

Orostachys minuta minima, reminding me of sea anemones.  (Pardon the wonky focus... I seem to have to get a new camera every two years, and then spend the next year trying to figure out what it's focusing on.)


Carlina acaulis with a bud still to open:


Nice Townsendia.

I'll have to look more closely at the Erigeron, but I think it's more than trifid.

Does your camera have an option other than just completely autofocus? many now have a setting that allows you to pinpoint your focus...

Lol- I know how that goes! I do read a certain amount, since there are some finicky things I like to do, but tend to not getting around to learning other things unless I really need to- still haven't figured out the custom white balance on my 'new' camera..

Here's a photo of the leaves from the plant I showed earlier of what is supposed to be Erigeron compositus var. discoideus: 

Looks like the leaves are twice ternate, so it may be Erigeron compositus var. glabratus (or some other variety that is not native to these parts).  Not that it matters - nice long-blooming plant regardless of the name.

Most of my pictures from the wild of  Erigeron compositus seem to look like the following one; rather different leaf form but also two to three times ternate:

This one is as close to "once ternate" as any I've got but not sure:

[quote=Lori S.]

It does everything but that would mean reading the instruction manual.   crying


I think we all can relate to that!  With my step up point an shoot camera, I read the manual front to back.  I am looking at getting a new camera now, and one of the features I hope for (but not mandatory) is the ability to dub in a note that is attached to the photo file.  It would be very useful when visiting botanical gardens, for instance, if I could snap a pic and just say the name, rather than needing to write it down.  When I read the manual for my present camera, it said I could only do that in "travel mode", and not normal or macro modes.  It's only been recently that I discovered that  the manual was wrong, and I can dub in notes seemingly anytime!


And now that I am looking to upgrade with a new camera.  I'd be interested to hear what your bought, Lori, and if it was the overall features or something in particular that made you decide on that one.