Aroids 2013

Submitted by Longma on

A very diverse group of fascinating plants.

To start here's Sauromatum horsfieldii .


Submitted by Longma on Tue, 06/04/2013 - 09:39

Walking some ancient woodlands ( woodland that has existed since before the year 1600 ) recently, we came across many Arum maculatum. There was amazing variation in form and colour,

almost black

Submitted by Toole on Sun, 07/14/2013 - 02:52

In reply to by Longma


Walking some ancient woodlands ( woodland that has existed since before the year 1600 ) recently, we came across many Arum maculatum. There was amazing variation in form and colour,



Wonderful Ron.

Back in January at the NZAGS Alpine Conference in Christchurch I was given some Arum purpureospathum to try .No having grown them before i decided to pot them up rather plant out in the garden proper.Here they are currently, in full leaf with flowers formed at that interesting stage awaiting some more warmth before opening.

Cheers Dave.

Submitted by Longma on Mon, 07/15/2013 - 08:09

In reply to by Toole

That looks a very appealing plant Dave, and appears to be growing very well for you. The leaves look particularly interesting, in that they seem to be very waxy / shiny? The 'flowers' look as though they will be something special also.  I'll be keeping an eye out for this one, :-)


That looks a very appealing plant Dave, and appears to be growing very well for you. The leaves look particularly interesting, in that they seem to be very waxy / shiny? The 'flowers' look as though they will be something special also.  I'll be keeping an eye out for this one, :-)



Yes the leaves are shiny Ron.I'll post a pic or two of the flowers when in full bloom.

I'm sure to have some fruit /seed available later on ,so if you are interested please send me a PM.

Cheers Dave..

Submitted by Toole on Wed, 08/14/2013 - 01:50

In reply to by Toole

Nearly a month on and Arum purpureospathum has just opened it's large deep purple/black flowers .

It's a beauty ,(kiss).

I was a bit hesitant in sniffing the spathe however i could not detect any scent at all.


Cheers Dave.