Rosularia (Prometheum)

Submitted by cohan on

I thought these guys deserved their own thread, thought there was one? If I've missed it, maybe someone can re-combine them? ;D

This is my only Rosularia so far, R (Prometheum) aizoon; I've had it for several years now, and it has grown nicely in a pot sunk for winters, and another small piece has been in ground since last year; This clump was planted out in a new bed this summer, which will be a more exposed site, so hopefully it will be okay..
It flowered this summer, so I'l;l have to dig up those pics ..


Submitted by Palustris on Thu, 10/11/2012 - 03:29

I have just grown Rr. sempervivoides var pestalozzae, globulariifolia, x regina and serpentinica from Sedum Society seed.  There does not seem to be a more modern monograph on them since Urs Eggli's booklet from some time back. Pity as there seems to be more species mentioned now and there have been a lot of name changes.

Submitted by cohan on Thu, 10/11/2012 - 12:45

I have some seed too that I hope is not too old...
I did a little reading last night, and found the main difference between aizoon and chrysantha is  whether flower scapes are terminal (monocarpic) or lateral.. I still need to look closely at mine, though I did not notice any rosettes dying after flowering this summer..

Submitted by cohan on Sat, 10/13/2012 - 21:45

Also very nice, and looks likely closely related to mine (some controversy and confusion in the genus it seems) has it flowered? would be interesting to know how similar flowers are, and terminal or lateral scapes seem to be important too as mentioned above.. I still need to find the pics of mine in flower this summer- pretty, but quite subtle!

Submitted by Hoy on Sun, 10/14/2012 - 12:56

I've posted these elsewhere but as they belong here I'll give them a Renaissance  ;D Rosularia sedoides is doing very well at my summerhouse and flowers all summer every year.

Submitted by Lori S. on Sun, 10/14/2012 - 13:04

cohan wrote:

Also very nice, and looks likely closely related to mine (some controversy and confusion in the genus it seems) has it flowered?

No, my Rosularia turkestanica hasn't flowered yet.  I bought it a couple of years ago at the CRAGS plant sale - seemed to be a division off someone's plant.  I don't remember who was selling it, but if that person is out there, it would be great to hear more about this species from him/her.

Submitted by cohan on Sun, 10/14/2012 - 16:03

Another cute species, Trond- seems to be a bit more open in rosette and stolon than mine, which so far at least is a very tight clump; much shorter flower stalks on yours too..
I like the Sedum with it, too..

Submitted by Palustris on Mon, 10/15/2012 - 03:32

Not got pictures which show Botanical deatails, but do have a few of various ones. No certainty as to names, most of them are not my own plants, but on show at AGS shows.

Submitted by cohan on Mon, 10/15/2012 - 12:26

More nice ones, but my fave is the last semperviva! this one is almost like an Echeveria or even Aeonium- plants which are not remotely hardy here, so I'd love to try this Ros :)

Submitted by Hoy on Tue, 10/16/2012 - 14:08

I like them all! Didn't know they were so different from R sedoides.