Hello from Holland

Submitted by Lina Hesseling on

After posting one message, I thought, I have to introduce myself.
I am a hobby-gardener with a small garden in the northern part of Holland.
It is not for the rockgardens, that I do visit your lovely forum, but for all the other great messages regarding to gardening, events, books and so on.
As my oldest son is living in The States with his family, in Cincinnati, I am interested in what is happening there. Normally my husband and I love to visit gardens, when we are on holliday in Europe. In the States I did not yet find where I can have information about open gardens, events and so on.
Maybe you can help me in that matter. When we are in The States this month this is not the time to visit gardens, but maybe next summer or autumn you can help me, where to find this information.

Thanks, Lina.


Submitted by Hoy on Sun, 12/11/2011 - 13:21

Hello Lina, nice to meet you! Welcome on board ;)

Submitted by AmyO on Sun, 12/11/2011 - 14:13

Welcome Lina! Please post some pictures of your gardens or favorite plants...we are all curious about others gardens!!

Submitted by Lina Hesseling on Sun, 12/11/2011 - 15:56

Thank you for the nice welcome. To show some pictures of my garden will have to wait, because from tuesday I'll spent some time in America. Please keep in mind I only have a very small garden. But my favourites of this moment are the snowdrops. I hardly can wait for them to come into flower. And I am looking forward to visit several snowdrop-events in The Netherlands and in Germany in februari. And of course buy new ones to add to my collection.
I loved to find the web-site of the garden "Les quatre Vents" in this forum. This would be a garden I would love to visit. Is there a guide in America that leads you to gardens that are open to the public? Like "the Yellow Book" in England? I have asked several times in bookshops, but they could not help me. Can anyone in this forum?


Submitted by Lina Hesseling on Sun, 12/11/2011 - 16:18

Amy, I just looked at your web-site. Looks great! :o
You do sell lovely Hydrangea's. These I have in my garden too. Hydrangea 'Annabelle', a vew different H. quercifolia's, H. 'Limelight', H. 'Silver Dollar' and a few more. They are very valuable plants, I think.


Submitted by Schier on Mon, 12/12/2011 - 13:24

Hello Lina, and welcome! I look forward to hearing more from you on the forum, and also, I do hope you have a lovely visit in the US.

Submitted by AmyO on Mon, 12/12/2011 - 16:32

Lina wrote:

Amy, I just looked at your web-site. Looks great! :o
You do sell lovely Hydrangea's. These I have in my garden too. Hydrangea 'Annabelle', a vew different H. quercifolia's, H. 'Limelight', H. 'Silver Dollar' and a few more. They are very valuable plants, I think.


Hi Lina....The nursery is where I work and it is a lovely place...come visit sometime if you are in the beautiful state of Vermont. That goes for everyone....I would love to show you around. www.rockydalegardens.com
Try the Garden Conservancy website for their open garden days...they issue a guide book to all the US open gardens. Frank Cabot was one of the founders of the org. www.gardenconservancy.org
I also love the snowdrops in spring! I'm looking forward to next spring especially because I planted loads into my front lawn! ;D
Below are a couple of spring photos of the nursery where I work.

Ooops! I am having a hard time getting photos tp load lately. I'll try again.

Submitted by Howey on Tue, 12/13/2011 - 04:32

Hi Lina:  Welcome to the Forum.  I too have a comparatively small backyard garden but, nevertheless, feel the Forum is very worthwhile and full of interesting information.  I too was entranced by Les Quatre Vents - that fabulous garden in Quebec but, when I saw how far away from me it is and learned that there would be a lot of driving involved, I gave up the idea of ever seeing it.  However, a friend tells me she would love to go as well and that she will be happy to do the driving - it will be an overnight trip both ways.  Anna Leggatt of the Ontario Rock Garden Society in Toronto has been there and tells me they are not open every day of the week to the public and that you must book ahead - January is not too early for a May visit.  She says it costs $30 for the guided tour and that all phone contact was in French - an added problem for me.  Perhaps there are others on this Forum who have been there and surmounted some of these (for me) stumbling blocks.  Fran
Frances Howey
London, Ontario, Canada
Zone 5b

Submitted by Tim Ingram on Tue, 12/13/2011 - 05:26

Hello Lina - I am also keen on snowdrops and hellebores (and many woodland plants, inspired by Elizabeth Strangman of Washfield Nursery). But my garden is probably a little too large (!), especially when you are keen on alpines as well as very many other plants. I enjoy this Forum greatly and it is good to meet up with someone from Holland via the Atlantic!

Submitted by AmyO on Wed, 12/14/2011 - 06:06

Trying again to post a couple of photos of snowdrops from the Rocky Dale Gardens display gardens.

Submitted by Lina Hesseling on Wed, 12/14/2011 - 11:39

Amy, thank you for the info about The Garden Conservancy. In the video, I watched about the lovely garden Pearl Fryar made, I did see the book with information about open gardens. This is what I am looking for! Great!
Your snowdrops look very nice, flowering between the leaves of the Ginko. Hopefully you show us more pictures after your frontgarden is in flower too.

Tim, thanks for your nice welcome too. It is really funny to have contact while I am in the States. Of cours I do know your name from the SRGC. Most people will envy you because they never have enough space to grow what they like.

Schier, thank you for your nice welcome too. I will try to post some pictures once and a while. But I am not the best photografer. So just to give you an impression of my garden. Our visit here in The States will be great. We love to meet our oldest son and his wife en our 3 granddaughters. It is even better because our second son, who lives in Curacao, will be here at Christmas too.


Submitted by Mark McD on Wed, 12/14/2011 - 18:30

Hello Lina, welcome to the NARGS Forum!  I am tardy with my welcome, but my availability to particpate here is spotty at best these days, as I'm often traveling for my job, even if just locally or regionally, with long commutes and late home arrivals, which means that I might go several days before catching up and posting on the forum.  Very glad to have you aboard. :)

Submitted by Lina Hesseling on Thu, 12/15/2011 - 17:56

Thank you Mark. It feels good to be part of this forum.
It is a fact, I am not a rock-gardener ;D, but there is so many intersting in this forum for me too.
In spring I will show pictures of my little garden and try to participate in the communication on the forum.


Submitted by Lori S. on Sat, 12/17/2011 - 18:14

Welcome, Lina!  Maybe if we post enough beautiful pictures of plants and gardens, we can convince you to become a rock gardener too?!  ;)

Submitted by Lina Hesseling on Sun, 12/18/2011 - 21:53

Thank you Lori. Indeed, I am already very much in love with Cyclamen and Hepatica's. And I do love all the miniture bulbs. So the next step will not be a big one.