Colchicum cupanii

Submitted by Peter George on

Another bulb I brought back from Washington and I'm just sure if it's hardy here in MA. Any help out there?


Submitted by Mark McD on Sun, 04/15/2012 - 08:47

Peter wrote:

Another bulb I brought back from Washington and I'm just sure if it's hardy here in MA. Any help out there?

For about 6 years I grew a form of C. cupanii which would flower late each fall, a delightful tiny species. If I recall correctly, I got it from Jane McGary.  I finally lost it, along with some other autumn-blooming Crocus a few years back when we had crazy unseasonably mild weather all through December and into January, where plants didn't harden off or go to rest properly, then winter finally hit. 

Submitted by Peter George on Sun, 04/15/2012 - 10:15

Thanks for responding to both of my questions. I came back from the WA meeting with a bunch of 'strange' plants, many of which have little to no information available on the net. I'm working my way through them all, and I very well may be posting some additional questions over the next week or so. Hope life is treating you well.


Submitted by Mark McD on Mon, 04/16/2012 - 07:31

I found a photo of Colchicum cupanii.  I received mine as Colchicum cupanii coustieri, the last name probably a corruption for C. cousturieri.  But it doesn't matter, as there are a whole bunch of Colchicum names that are considered synonyms of C. cupanii, and as many as 7-8 varieties and subspecies of C. cupanii, none of which are generally regarded as legitimate.  The species is seen both with a single "i" (as C. cupani, as published on IPNI.ORG) and the double "ii" ending (as seen on The Plant List).  Lots of taxonomic fuss for such a tiny fall blooming Colchicum.  Finding this photo, reminds me that I really need to reacquire this charmer.