Anne Spiegel's Garden
Anne Spiegel, Berkshire Chapter, was awarded the Millstream Garden Award in 2011 in the Rock and Alpine Garden category.
You can read a very nice description of the garden by Lori Chips in the March/April 2013 issue of the Oliver Nursery News.
Acantholimon saxifragiforme
Seedlings at 12 days after germination.
Seeds germinate in a few days at room temperature (6 days for this batch) without pretreatment.
Acantholimon saxifragiforme
Seedlings 4 days after germination.
Seeds germinate in a few days at room temperature (10 days for this batch) without pretreatment.
Dracocephalum foetidum
Seedlings shown at 12 days from germination indoors under lights.
Seeds germinate in a few days at room temperature (3 days for this batch), without requiring pretreatment.
Dracocephalum multicaule
In my tufa garden, zone 3, Calgary, AB..