Care of second-year Arisaema seedlings

Submitted by JDumont on
I see my question did not come through so I'm giving it another go. I have second-year seedlings of Arisaema consanguineum in 2-inch pots. They've just emerged in late June (as have my first-year seedlings). Should I leave them in their small pots for another year? Winter care this last winter was in a cold, but not freezing, garage with just enough water so they did not totally dry out. Should care this winter be the same? Note that the seedlings did go dormant last year (their first year) in late summer. I was concerned that I might have lost them but that dormancy did not seem to affect their viability. I'm in Brooklyn, NY -- purportedly Z7 but springs can be quite cold and wet. Any advice would be appreciated.


Submitted by HeLP on Sun, 07/05/2020 - 14:20

I grew A. consanguinium in Syracuse NY where they multiplied like rabbits both vegetatively and self seeding. I would not hesitate to plant your second year plants in the ground at this stage if you can be sure they remain hydrated. I now live on the coast of Maine and brought about a dozen plants with me only one that survived their second winter here. Fortunately the one survivor is now multiplying as before, in Syracuse they grew in almost full sun and formed nice colonies of two to three foot little palm trees-good luck

Submitted by JDumont on Mon, 07/06/2020 - 04:34

Thanks for the advice Harold. I'll try planting at least one of them in ground this September.

I suppose I do not have to mention this but over the years I have given dozens of these to friends reminding them to be patient as they do not emerge until July, I invariably get a comment Mid-June that the plant I gave them did not make it through the winter

Thanks for the reminder. Since both my 1st year and 2nd year seedlings just came up late June/early July I would assume that when planted they'd be on a similar schedule. A. candidissimum comes up mid-June for me here in Brooklyn so I'm used to late emergence of Arisaemas.