Alpines in September 2014

Submitted by Fermi on

Well, it's September here in the Southern hemisphere although I suppose this thread was originally started to feature autumn flowering alpines!

Here's the first flowering on Erysimum amoenum grown from Rocky Mountain Rare Plants seed sown in 2012,

Erysimum amoenum




Moderator edit:  Created new thread for 2014.  Thanks for posting, Fermi!

Erysimum amoenum


Submitted by Fermi on Mon, 09/08/2014 - 07:28

Saxifraga poluniniana in a trough with a few other saxies

Otto's saxifraga trough

Pic taken yesterday at my friend Otto's place in the Dandenongs, east of Melbourne - a completely different climate to our place! Those wouldn't survive half of one of our summers!

Here's one of the Dionysias he grows in an alpine house

Otto's dionysia



Otto's saxifraga trough
Otto's dionysia