Alpines in July, 2014

Submitted by Lori S. on

A few repeats and some new ones...

Saxifraga x longifolia; Saponaria lutea; Arenaria grandiflora:


Androsace limprichtii; Hypericum aviculariifolium ssp. uniflorum; Salvia tchihatcheffii (x2):


Saxifraga 'Whitehill', being overtaken by Nepeta podostachys... somebody's gonna have to move; Delphinium beesianum; Anthemis cretica ssp. leucanthemoides:


Asyneuma limonifolium; view of part of the tufa garden:



Submitted by Toole on Sat, 07/05/2014 - 00:25

They are all lovely Lori.

First of the Hellebores , a Crocus or two as well as number of Galanthus are in bloom down this end of the planet..Just need a day without moisture falling from the sky to be able to photograph them ......frown

Thanks, Dave!  Looks like it's just you and me here these days.  The thought of winter... even one of your winters ;-) ... gives me the heebie-jeebies!  I'm delighted to revel in summertime, even with the hail a few minutes ago (well, it was just pea-size and falling gently for hail...  horribly reminiscent, now that I think about it, of  snowflakes).

A few more... Saponaria x suendermannii; Astragalus angustifolius; Carduncellus pinnatus; Goniolimon speciosa; Gentiana siphonantha:



Hi, Lori,

I'm here, just too busy to post pictures -- but am enjoying yours and Dave's immensely.  Thanks for posting!

Submitted by Hoy on Sun, 07/13/2014 - 11:39

In reply to by Cockcroft

I am glad at least one person try to keep this forum alive! ..  and with a lot of wish-I-had-plants as well!

I have been a bit busy and lazy (yes both) these weeks so I haven't contributed much.

Silene saxifraga; Saponaria bellidifolia; first (and only) flower on seed-grown Eriogonum umbellatum ssp. alpinum; Bolanthus thymoides - a nice cushion, very tiny flowers:


Oxytropis besseyi v. ventosa; (x2); Campanula fenestrellata; Achillea umbellata:


Edraianthus wettsteinii, seemingly?; Dracocephalum multicaule; Achillea holosericea; Stachys nivea: 


Delpinium beesianum (again); Monardella odoratissima v. odoratissima; some extremely old (perennial, that is) Campanula barbata; overhead view of Saxifraga cotyledon 'Pyramidalis':


Lactuca intricata (x2): 


Submitted by Gryboski on Thu, 07/24/2014 - 18:55

Nice pix.  I like seeing things I don't know/grow.  Gets my curiosity up; encourages me to look for seed to try.  Thanks for posting them.

Submitted by RickR on Fri, 08/01/2014 - 19:03

Grown from seed labeled Allium zebdanense, it looks and acts a lot like it but apparently is not.  Unlike A. zebdanense, this batch of seedlings likes to send up new growth in the fall, after summer dormancy.  Still, they have earned a place in my garden, since they thrive in the driest shady places.  

  July 17 and July 26


Another onion from NARGS seed: Allium carinatum ssp. pulchellum, I hope..... first bloom.  I'll post better picks when the flowers fully open.


Echinocereus viridiflorus and E. triglochidiatus - 3 year seedlings.


Opuntia fragilis.  This one grown from a pad taken last season from a particularly floriferous specimen near Granite Falls, Minnesota.  O. fragilis rarely blooms in the first place, so this may be a great find.  It grew one new pad this spring and a bird pecked a hole in the top.  I expect that is what prompted it to bush out.  A fortuitous happenstance in retrospect.  It's such a cutie: the pot is only 3.25 inches.

Phemeranthus calycinus is a welcome volunteer.  I gets all over in my pot menagerie.


Maybe someone can help me with this one's identification.  It's a small Phemeranthus, and not nearly as showy, but fits better in alpine troughs.  This one is in a 12 inch wide bonsai pot.


You had me a bit confused with "Phemeranthus" - I'm used to Talinum calycinum  It's a dainty thing but still noticeable. I think it's great fun to have such "volunteers" around your pots.


And the little Opuntia is certainly cute - that pot might have been 15 inches across for all we knew. Growing well for you!