
Submitted by kdemott on

This plant was sold as Allium sikkimense but I have been told it is more likely A. cyaneum.

It's about time to collect seed for the exchange. Anyone confirm the ID?


Submitted by Mark McD on Fri, 09/19/2014 - 15:19

Yes indeed, that is Allium cyaneum... both cyaneum and sikkimense are nice, low growing late-blooming blue onions, so you can't go wrong even with the slight misidentification. A pretty allium.

Thanks for the ID Mark. What are the distinguishing characteristics between the two species?

This Allium has done very well in the garden and one clump has been divided into several which should be split again. It does well in full to part sun and has handled temps in the 90's (°F) without obvious signs of stress.

Submitted by Toole on Fri, 02/06/2015 - 20:38

I'm sure someone here will be able to give me a pointer on this Allium flowering currently from seed for the first time .Allium stellatum ? .Thanks Dave.


Not stellatum, looks like a form of Allium senescens or a senescens hybrid.  Can you show us the foliage.  True stellatum has solitary oblong bulbs, senescens will have bulb-like base attached to strong horizontal rhizomes.

Oh, twisty leaves!  And a thickened stem base attached to a rhizome, just as I expected, this is most definitely a form of Allium senescens, the universal imposter.