Crepis incana

Submitted by Diane Clement on

Does anyone know a supplier of Crepis incana plants or seed in the US? I've had an enquiry from someone in Maine.
Although I know several people who grow the plant in the UK, the plants rarely make viable seed here. I'm not sure if that is due to lack of summer heat or the need for a second plant. I'll pass on any contacts to the person who contacted me.

Here's a picture of mine at its best last year (picture taken late July 2011)


Submitted by Schier on Thu, 05/10/2012 - 13:19

Diane, I've always had kind of a hankering for Crepis incana myself, and never got round to ordering any seeds.  I see that they can be purchased at Plant World Seeds in the UK, but I've not seen any in the US market lately.  Now that you've shown your lovely photo it makes me wish I'd ordered some earlier!