What are these bulbs?

Submitted by RickR on

I am sure they are just something simple, as they are from the local nursery shelf and coming from some Dutch company. I planted them years ago, and I can't even remember what the flowers are like! (Obviously, they are not stellar performers here.)

The mystery foliage is at the center top of this poor quality photo.


Submitted by RickR on Thu, 10/18/2012 - 16:51

Lis gets the prize.  I grew them out in a pot and in the ground, and when they bloomed, I remembered what they were and when I had gotten them.  

They are Barnardia numidica (Scilla numidica), here in a 3 x 3 x 5 inch pot.


But they aren't the common bulbs I had thought.  They came from Rice Creek Gardens, the best rock garden nursery in Minnesota.  Betty Ann Addison (the owner) is also the key charter member of our Minnesota NARGS Chapter.