1907 |
Laburnum anagyroides |
yellow to 7m 172 |
G |
1050 |
Lachenalia ensifolia |
white-pale blue 5cm 24 |
G |
1051 |
Lachenalia reflexa |
yellow 3-19cm 16 |
G |
3175 |
Lagopsis marrubiastrum |
China: W Tibet 169 |
W |
1052 |
Lallemantia canescens |
dark violet blue-lavender 20-50cm 155 |
G |
3176 |
Lancea tibetica |
China: W Tibet 169 |
W |
1053 |
Larix decidua |
25-45m 166 |
G |
1054 |
Lasthenia californica |
yellow to 40cm 85 |
G |
1055 |
Lathyrus aureus |
coppery-orange 30-60cm 88 |
G |
1056 |
Lathyrus roseus |
rose-pink 40-45cm 2 |
G |
1057 |
Lathyrus vernus |
fuchsia-pink/white 20-40cm 7 |
G |
1058 |
Lathyrus vernus |
pink 20-40cm 140 |
G |
1059 |
Lathyrus vernus |
reddish-purple 20-40cm 165 |
G |
1060 |
Ledebouria zebrina |
greenish-white flr/purple striped-spotted lvs 30cm 94 |
G |
1061 |
Leibnitzia anandria |
white 5-20cm 15 65 |
G |
1908 |
Leonotis nepetifolia |
orange 1-3m 171 |
G |
1062 |
Leontopodium nivale ssp alpinum 'Blossom of Snow' |
white woolly flr/grey woolly lvs 20-40cm 165 |
G |
3177 |
Leontopodium pusillum |
China: W Tibet 169 |
W |
1063 |
Leopoldia comosa |
violet-blue/brownish-green 20-60cm 16 156 |
G |
1064 |
Lepechinia schiedeana |
blue/purple 20-40cm 16 |
G |
1065 |
Leptosiphon nuttallii |
white to 20cm 155 |
G |
1066 |
Lessertia frutescens |
red-orange flr/grey-green lvs 50-100cm 113 |
G |
1067 |
Leucojum aestivum |
white/yellowish green tips 30-60cm 12 |
G |
1068 |
Leucosceptrum stellipilum 'October Moon' |
pink flr/chartreuse-edged lvs to 90cm 4 |
G |
1069 |
Lewisia brachycalyx |
white/pinkish 3-8cm 21 69 |
G |
1070 |
Lewisia cotyledon |
hot pink 10-30cm 19 |
G |
1071 |
Lewisia cotyledon |
mix 10-30cm 87 |
G |
1072 |
Lewisia cotyledon |
orange 10-30cm 84 |
G |
1073 |
Lewisia cotyledon |
pink 10-30cm 84 |
G |
1074 |
Lewisia cotyledon |
white 10-30cm 84 115 |
G |
1075 |
Lewisia longipetala |
peach 10cm 17 |
G |
1076 |
Lewisia nevadensis |
white 5-12cm 67 |
G |
1077 |
Lewisiopsis tweedyi |
salmon-pink/yellowish 10-20cm 21 |
G |
3178 |
Lewisiopsis tweedyi |
apricot-salmon 20cm Washington: Chelan Co. 800m 9 |
W |
1078 |
Liatris aspera |
pink-purple 30-180cm 110 |
G |
1079 |
Liatris aspera 'Bastrop' |
purple to 90cm 94 |
G |
1080 |
Liatris ligulistylis |
pinkish purple 20-100cm 4 104 |
G |
1081 |
Liatris microcephala |
lavender-purple 30-80cm 4 28 |
G |
1082 |
Liatris punctata (ex Fremont Co, CO 2000m) |
pink 20-40cm 69 |
G |
1083 |
Liatris spicata |
pink-purple 40-110cm 35 |
G |
1084 |
Liatris spicata v resinosa 'American Voices' |
light purple-dark purple calyces 50-90cm 71 94 |
G |
1085 |
Ligularia dentata 'Britt Marie Crawford' |
orange-yellow flr/purple-black lvs 60-100cm 4 |
G |
1086 |
Ligularia heterophylla |
yellow flr/grey-green lvs 20-200cm 83 |
G |
1087 |
Ligularia japonica |
yellow 50-100cm 4 |
G |
1088 |
Ligularia japonica 'Chinese Dragon' |
gold-orange 1-1.5m 4 |
G |
1089 |
Ligusticum scoticum |
green-white 15-60cm 155 |
G |
1090 |
Lilium canadense |
orange-red to 1.8m 43 |
G |
1091 |
Lilium canadense |
yellow to 1.8m 43 |
G |
1092 |
Lilium canadense |
yellow-orange/red to 1.8m 68 |
G |
3179 |
Lilium canadense |
orange 150cm Virginia: Albemarle Co 30 |
W |