Nominations for NARGS On-Line Election
May 6 through 20, 2024
There were no from-the-floor nominations received by the January 31, 2024, deadline. Thus, the recommendations from the Nominations Committee are the candidates listed below:
The NARGS Nominating Committee comprised of Chairperson Carol Eichler, Terry Laskiewicz, Tony Reznicek, John Willis, and Steve Whitesell are pleased to present the following nominations for NARGS Board service.
Todd Boland (Newfoundland) is being nominated for president. Todd lives in St. John’s, Newfoundland, where he works as the chief horticulturist at the Memorial University of Newfoundland Botanical Garden. He is the Chairperson of the Newfoundland Chapter of NARGS. Since 2009, he has been the author of the NARGS website “Plant of the Month” feature and is the administrator of the on-line image gallery. He is a regular contributor to The Rock Garden Quarterly and has spoken to gardening groups across North America as well as in the U.K. and New Zealand. He has authored six photographic field guides on the native and naturalized flora of Atlantic Canada. He has also authored three gardening books, Favourite Perennials for Atlantic Canada, Shrubs and Vines for Atlantic Canada and most recently Gardening for Acidic Soils, a book co-written with Jamie Ellison of Nova Scotia.
Cyndy Cromwell (North Carolina) is being nominated for vice president. An avid gardener, Cyndy relocated twelve years ago from Connecticut to Raleigh, North Carolina. Joining the Piedmont Chapter led to membership in NARGS, wonderful travel experiences and ultimately to catching the crevice garden bug. She recently completed four years as Chair of the Piedmont Chapter. Cyndy is currently a member of the NARGS Board of Directors, Southeast and Middle Atlantic coordinator for the NARGS Traveling Speakers Program, and Chair of the NARGS Awards Committee.
Tony Avent (North Carolina) is being nominated to board of directors. Tony is founder of Plant Delights Nursery and Juniper Level Botanic Garden in Raleigh, North Carolina. He is a plantsman, plant breeder, plant researcher, and plant explorer. Tony has been a missionary and dynamic force in introducing horticulture to a national market for a public ever demanding new plants and diversity in the landscape. He has been profiled and quoted in scores of magazines and newspapers as he is widely accepted as a horticultural visionary. Tony is the author of So You Want to Start a Nursery, a textbook used in university plant nursery courses. He is currently an adjunct faculty member at North Carolina State University. [Tony is completing one term on the board and is eligible for election to a second term.]
Jennifer Kalb (New York) is being nominated to the Board of Directors. She is a retired corporate lawyer and member and current Secretary and Board member of the Manhattan Chapter of NARGS.. Originating from a family of avid gardeners, she was a long-term community gardener who participated in the successful effort to preserve the New York City community gardens in the late ‘90s. Jen currently gardens in her Brooklyn backyard and church greenspace, at her family home in Central Ohio, and with the Brooklyn Bird Club in the Prospect Park butterfly meadow. An enthusiastic cultural and nature traveler, she particularly enjoys seeing plants in their native environments, and appreciates the chance to travel with NARGS in Greece, Switzerland and the Adirondacks (upcoming to Patagonia and Turkey) as well as attending the recent AGMs in Durango, Ithaca and Nova Scotia.
Josh Segoviano (Texas) is being nominated to the Board of Directors. My love for the natural world dates back to my childhood, where I had aspirations of being a zoologist working with animals around the world. As a child my parents would go to local nurseries to purchase annuals for the garden, and I was captivated by the wildlife these few flowers attracted. As I grew older my curiosity grew, and I began to experiment with new plant material. Since then I have been experimenting and propagating plant material in an effort to not only succeed with its cultivation but to provide these rare gems to my fellow gardeners. My interest in the natural world and seeing the growing interest in sustainability in my own community spurred me to create the first NARGS Chapter in Texas. I aim to inspire and motivate people of my generation to pick up the spade and shovel of our fathers, mothers, and grandparents to help cultivate the Earth and create a biodiverse tomorrow.
NARGS 2024
From-the-Floor Nominations
Election of President, Vice President, and Three Board Members
The names of those proposed by the Nominating Committee can be viewed on the NARGS website < www.nargs.org> and in this issue of the Quarterly. There is now opportunity for members to nominate FROM THE FLOOR no later than January 31, 2024.The combined list of candidates will be published on the NARGS website by April 1 and in the spring 2024 Quarterly.
Online election will be held May 1 through May 20, 2024 All active members will be mailed a link shortly before the election opens. Your email address will admit you. If you are a member and have never verified your email address, please do so as soon as possible. You may contact Bobby Ward (NARGS Executive Secretary) for help. The www.nargs.org website will have a notice when voting begins, as well as a copy of the voting-site link on the News page.
A from-the-floor nomination for any position may be emailed to Carol Eichler, Nominating Committee Chair no later than January 31, 2024.
The Nomination must include:
Name, chapter (if applicable), email address, a position for which each person is nominated. (The nominee must be a member of NARGS).
Bio of the nominee (100 words or less, written by nominee)
Picture of nominee (shoulder length)
Note of acceptance from (new) nominee indicating a willingness to be NARGS director (three-year term) or officer (two-year term), if elected.
All nominations and required nominee information must be received by January 31, 2024.
[To contact Carol or Bobby, log on to the NARGS Web site and click on “About Us” and then click on “Members Only Contact Page.”]