1) Anemone, Aquilegia, Delphinium, and other Ranunculaceae

Anemone multifida Culture

Submitted by jjdjd0585 on
I received Anemone multifida seeds from the seed exchange and they germinated well, but now that I've planted up the seedlings, I have brown tips on a number of leaves. Any ideas on what is causing it? I used a soilless potting mix (peat and perlite) for potting up.

Trollius laxus--looking for growing conditions

Submitted by RPavlis on

Received seed from ORGS Seedex 2013-2014. Gave them 4 months at 20C with no germination, followed by 5 months at 5C. Started to germinate in cold. Potted up as they geminated in baggy method. Seem to be doing well, but have not made true leaves yet.

1) How wet do you keep the seedlings?

2) How wet do they need to be in the garden?

Delphinium alpestre

Submitted by Susan ITPH on

I cannot seem to find any cultural tips on germinating Delphinium alpestre. Has anyone grown this beauty from seed? I will be getting fresh seed and my instincts tell me to sow it now, keep it watered, and then overwinter it outside.


Submitted by copperbeech on

I have a small section of shade garden with a couple of Ligularia in the back then some tirarella next and I have some space for something shorter in the front. I came across this genus of Anemonella, knowing nothing about them but their description sounds interesting. I would love to hear of your experiences with these plants. From my reading it seems they are long blooming but go dormant at some point in the summer? 

'Wild Swan' Anemone soon to arrive?

Submitted by copperbeech on

After having obtained the prestigious 'Chelsea 2011 Plant of the Year' award I have had my fingers crossed hoping to see WS on this side of the pond...sooner rather than later.


And it seems that maybe this is the season that we will see it in North American gardens as Monrovia shows it on their site: