
View of the Driveway Ledges

Submitted by Ben Burr on

This view contains Phlox douglasii, Anthyllis vulneraria, dianthus, Anthyllis montana and globularias.  Midway up the driveway ledges is Phlox borealis, the earliest of the phlox to bloom.  Above you can see the "long steps" to the upper ledges.

Stream Garden

Submitted by Ben Burr on

This is an early view of the stream garden.  It now has Iris ensatas, Primula japonicas, trollius vars., Caltha palustris, and hemerocallis among others.  Anne is still busy developing this garden.

Crevice Garden

Submitted by Ben Burr on

This is the first, and the lowest, of the crevice gardens that Anne made.  The picture was taken in early spring.  It's planted with: genistas, onosmas, Daphne x hendersonii varieties, veronicas, acantholimons, penstemons, eriogonums etc.