Eriogonum Seed List 2011

Submitted by Weiser on

The Eriogonum Society has published it's seed list for the 2011 season. The list is open to members only. I encourage you to join. Membership in the Eriogonum Society is very affordable.

There are many choice selections on this year's list, from wild collected populations. Such as E. arcuatum, E. douglasii, E. jamesii, E. lobbii, E. ochrocephalum, E. ovalifolium, E. robustum, E. sphaerocephalum, and E. strictum.
There is more information on most of these species on this forum at( or check out the web sight. Here is a link to the web sight of the Eriogonum Society.( )


Submitted by Tim Ingram on Sat, 12/03/2011 - 05:31

Paul Cumbleton at Wisley has mentioned the Eriogonum Society on the AGS website, and I have always been fascinated by these plants, especially for my increasing aims to grow plants on sand beds. Dr. Jack Elliott, one of the founders and long time secretary of our Group grew them very well and wrote about them in the AGS Bulletin. They are wonderfully varied and 'different'.

Submitted by penstemon on Sun, 12/04/2011 - 15:57

Though it's a certainty that no eriogonum anywhere in the wild has ever died from "too much rain", some of them (Eriogonum soredium, mancum, argyrophyllum, for instance) are hypersensitive to excess humidity (over 20%, say) at just the wrong time during their growing season and tend to get a black fungus on their leaves just to show how sensitive they are. They then do this opera-singer thing where they languish and then die, dramatically, covered with fungus.
None of them grow with any percentage of organic matter in the soil. They're easy from seed.
On the other hand, the garden here was once visited by a well-known rock gardener from (I think) Ulster, who was told by his host (this is all second hand, because I was at work) that eriogonums would probably be impossible to grow in their part of the world, whereupon the host was told that they grow them aplenty in Ulster.
Most of my eriogonums (the really rare ones, anyway) died out during the Great Eriogonum Bug Attack in the late 90s, when all the cushions were infested with a mysterious web-forming creature that ate the plants down to nothing in a matter of days.
